Monday, January 23, 2006

City of Angels

It was a hot summer morning. I was still in college, probably the final year. I was in the market and was about to cross the road laden with heavy traffic, when I saw an old lady. With wrinkles all over her face and hand, torn clothes and with thick glasses, I think she was one of those deprived ones who lived on the streets. She was trying to cross the road as well and when I stood beside her she looked at me as if begging me if I can help her. At that moment, I didn’t think of anything else. I held her hand and showed her the way through the mad rush of cars and scooters. However, when we reached the other end, she just walked away, as if the only reason of my presence at that exact time in that place of earth was just to help her crossed the road and as if she knew it.

Today I saw this film called "City Of Angels", starring Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan. After seeing the film I remembered this incident and now as If I can relate to the same somehow. What if whats shown in the film is true? What if there are angels everywhere on earth. They see us all the time. They give us strength and courage. They act as the messenger of a supreme power and make sure that ever things go as planned. We are mere pawns and we don’t even know it. We are so content in our worlds and so obsessed with the material pleasures. As I see a line of ants trying to feed upon the spilled sugar, may be someone is seeing me looking at the ants and enjoying every bit of it. May be that afternoon it was an angel who told me to help the old lady and I did.

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