Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Mezzanine State

It was a Saturday evening.I was siping Cappucino and listening to a bunch of old people playing great music.While my frontal lobe was registering the high and low riffs, somewhere at the back of the mind I was thinking abount the party I have to go at 7pm.I casually glanced at the watch..i was late...I have to go now.The music was starting to become better, but...

I reached home.Hurriedly took a bath, put some deos all over and was off in less then 15 mins.I hate to be late.It was 7pm in the invitation mail.Had bought a present as well the night before - A piggy bank that u can color urself.I looked at the watch again as I sat in the was 8:15.

Lemon Grass is a nice restaurant..more like a resort actually.I was greeted by the host at the gate of the Ac hall where the party was held.As I entered and turned my head around to register the people inside...I realised that I dont know a single soul.Most of them were mid aged with one or two kids. I seemed to be the youngest and the most out-of place person.

After a few mins the most awaited moment for a kid in his/her or birthday happened - the Cake Cuting Ritual.It was a lovely cake.As the 6 year old started cutting the cake, everybody present tried to sing the birthday song but in such a low volume that it was almost inaudible.Some kind of sound can be heard but to distinguish that as the birthday song will be tough even for a dog i guess.There was no enthusiasm at all.There was a stupid smile at everyones face though, including me.

After the cake cutting, i had no idea what was in line.Then I heard somebody saying in a half excited state that there are games for children now.Two games were held.The first one required the children to eat some Papads, hung on a rope, only with mouth, without using hands.The second was to burst balloons.

After that episode, there was an announcement that next in line is musical chair for adults.As soon as I heard that, I took my mobile and feigned a phone call and hurriedly went outside.After sometime talking to a friend of mine, thinking that its safe now, I went inside.What I saw was heights.There was no music at all.It was a constant striking of a spoon on a stainless steel jar that acted as the music in the game of musical chair that was in progress.The stupid smile was still evident in everyones face. Soon after I enetered the game ended and there was a new announcement.Guess what?... Now, Musical chair for gents....Thats when I realised that the previous one didnt had any men participating.I repeated my previous act of feigning.However this time I was betrayed by my N90 as it went dead due to no battery charge.

After sometime, I went inside and the game was on and so was the spoon striking, only difference being that the striker had changed.It was around 10 when the notion of food came to the limelight and I was the happiest person.I ate quickly and left and decided then that I wil never attend a birthday party of a colleagues kid again.

Now, sitting at the cozy environment of my home, when I think about the party, I have a mixed feelings.

I guess the party was enjoyed by the kids.Had I been one probably I would also had.Collectng presents, chasing another kid for some vague reason, playing those games arranged with a feeling of- "I will be the first"...It would had been fun.

The parents probably also enjoyed.Looking at their kids play, cheering them up (although at the most toned down and unenthusiastic voices), ladies talking about household matters..blah blah.The stupid smiles they had on their faces were probably not that stupid but more genuine for them.

It was, perhaps, only me who felt the whole ordeal to be very boring , probably because the mezzanine state I belong to which is above adolescence and below adulthood.

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